Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things To Consider Before Joining An Organization

The fresh graduates who seek jobs usually forget a few basic things. Not every job or organization is good for you. You should be very careful in selecting the job/organization. There are a few ingredients of a good job;
1- The organization you join should be progressive.
2- The organization should have a concern for human resource.
3- Human Resource is the snapshot of an organization.
4- The employees should be given trainings and a continuous development program should be there by the organization.
5- You should see where you will stand in that organization after five to six years.

Now I try to elaborate my points. There are many organizations which have no concern for its employees and just for their money. You will be no more then a disposable hero working there. The Human Resource department should be proactive for an organization to be efficient and effective. It should value its employees. Give them incentives, reward system, timely promotions and most important is training and development. If you grow so will the organization so by spending on your trainings and certifications, ultimately the organization is going to benefit. Now the most important point is where you will stand in the next five to six years. There should be a proper promotion system. Suppose you join as an IT Associate and you remain IT Associate after five years of hard work then this all hard work is wasted as you should have been in the managerial role after completion of your five years.

Hope that the considerations will be of benefit to you people.

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